Welcome to the BC Doberman Pinscher Club
The BC Doberman Pinscher Club is a non-profit club founded in the 1970's. Its members are dedicated to encouraging the advancement of the Doberman Pinscher as a performance and working dog, as well as promoting and conducting breed activities, good sportsmanship, and fostering the highest possible standards among Doberman breeders and fanciers.
As a club, our main event each year is our annual Specialty Show and Obedience & Rally Trial.
The purpose of the Club is to enjoy and improve the Doberman Pinscher breed and to share this enjoyment with others. We accomplish this by:
- Encouraging and promoting the responsible breeding of purebred Doberman Pinschers and to do everything possible to bring their health and natural working abilities to perfection.
- Promoting the Canadian Kennel Club standard of the breed as the only conformation standard by which the Doberman Pinscher should be judged.
- Educating members and the general public in the unique qualities and abilities of the Doberman Pinscher, and its care and training.
- Conducting a range of formal and informal activities that may include fun matches, training and educational seminars, as well as, licensed sanction matches, specialty shows, obedience trials, exhibitions and boosters under the rules of the Canadian Kennel Club.
We welcome new members with an interest in Doberman Pinschers and we are always available to answer questions.